Monday, April 30, 2007

Above the Meadow

8" x 10" original oil painted en plein air on canvas covered hardboard -
$85 including shipping -
The oaks are still showing the effects of the late Spring frost. Grasses are blooming and the bees are happy.
Contact me at

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Ron Morrison said...

This reads nicely, B.J. I know, I know,... but you know that some educated paintings can read.

bj said...

And some appear to be psychic. :o) Thanks for the comment. I try to put some personality in the descriptions so that the reader can 'be there'.

Ron Morrison said...

Sorry, B.J. what I meant by saying the painting reads nicely is that the composition is solid, thats the buzz phrase, "this reads well". Its an awkward almost non-sensical phrase but its a comment on the painting not the writing, although I always enjoy your descriptions.

bj said...

Oops. Sorry. Misunderstood. Thanks! I try to portray the scene before me while also suggesting pleasing composition. Sometimes I must move a tree or change the crest of a hill, but in this case what you see is what grew there. Nice when nature knows about composition, huh?