Just letting everyone know I haven't forsaken painting.
It seems there's a price to be paid when you are an artist. I'm not talking about the cost of paints, canvas, brushes, etc. That's understandable. You gotta have materials to work with.
I'm talking about
after the canvas is painted and drying. There's the varnishing, protective coatings, framing, attaching hardware and wire. Image photography must be done to capture the work for websites, blogs, and sending to the printer. Then there is the cataloging, contacting galleries, researching galleries, phone calls, etc.
Planning art shows ( two this week ) eats up painting time. Keeping displays in good condition is always needful. Then there's the bubble-wrap nightmare of protecting the paintings you've created during transport.
I could go on but I know you'd rather not hear me whine. :o)
Wrapping up, I must say that I do love painting. Sometimes I just need a keeper.