On Wednesday, Sandra and I thought we had gotten an early start to miss the heat as we drove through Chickamauga and toward Pigeon Mountain. We were wrong. After finally finding a spot wide enough to pull off the dirt road, not get into the poison oak and not fall off the mountain - we set up our easels. About the time we uncovered our palettes, there came a dump truck "high-ballin' it" followed by a cloud of dust. Then about every 5 minutes another truck came by, then another, then another. It is interesting to note that each time a truck went by, they were driving slower and slower. We think that maybe they were on their radios telling each other, "Hey guys, there's a couple of crazy ladies on the side of the road trying to paint in this heat. Let's give 'em a break." Afterwards we had a nice lunch in Chickamauga and planned another outing soon. Plein air painting - you gotta love it!
Contact me at beejw@charter.net