Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Of Things Past

12"x10" acrylic multi-media painting...The thesaurus block represents the word "junction". Click on the image - then click again - for a detail view. We've all had junctions in our lives and, looking back upon them, they are "Of Things Past".
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Elizabeth Parsons said...

Hi BJ! regarding the deli paper I use- I bought it at a BJ's (no pun intended!)BJ's is like a Cosco's. The brand I bought is "Executivce Choice" and it's called Dry Waxed Paper. Comes in a box of 500 sheets. Two boxed were bundled together and so I think I will have deli paper for the rest of my But I use it for all kinds of things- I put it under stuff I am painting to keep table clean. I even use it in the kitchen for wrapping things.
Each sheet is 15" x 10.75"
Hope that helps!
PS- love your collages! my family is from Georgia- Atlanta. My sister and cousins live in Atlanta.

bj said...

Elizabeth, thanks so much for the information! I've used several kinds of paper, but I keep looking for that elusive "perfect" surface. I've been looking for a collage group/club in the N. Georgia area, but to no avail. Looks like I might just have to start one. I don't get down to Atlanta very often, but there might be a collage group there. Thanks again for the information! :o)